Help Me Debug This
We Debog & Print ETH!
About HMDT
0. Our goal is to build one of the best/coziest communities in the space, and help all the deboggers become seasoned/sophisticated NFT/crypto players. The following two protocols are up and running, which create real values and distribute them to the hodlers:
1. Royalty Raffle: Approximately every 48 hours, 3-5 HMDT are selected to receive royalties for the next 48 (approximate) hours, until the next batch of HMDT are selected. The selected HMDTs will equally share 60% of the royalties received from the HMDT collection in the next 48 (approximate) hours post-selection.
2. HelpMePrintETH: A protocol that holders pay NOTHING, need NO gas-required operations on their end, and get ETH winnings from an algorithmic-trading mechanism (aka HMDT Algo-Bot). HMPE performance analysis is posted in our discord on a daily basis.
3. HelpMeCollectNFTs will be an auction house and raffle system where holders will be able to bid on various NFTs, buy raffle tickets to win various NFTs, and bid on whitelist opportunities for other NFT projects. Bids and raffle ticket purchases will be made solely with $HP.
General FAQs
For detailed explanation, check the GitBook